Human Dignity Observatory / #PandemicWithoutHarm

The visibility of human rights violations contributes to the strengthening of democracy and the defense of the rule of law. The political and social impact as a tool we are developing for human rights defenders and researchers.

Joint statement on access and safe use of medicines

Joint Statement of Knowmad Institut & Nierika AC for public consultation: WHO Guideline on ensuring balanced national policies for access and safe use of medicines [aux_button label=”DOWNLOAD PDF” size=”medium” icon_align=”?Over” color_name=”dark-gray” border=”” style=”” icon=”pen” link=”” target=”_blank”] The European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Science – Knowmad Institut – and the Multidisciplinary Association…

Medicinal Plants: From Sanitary Fallacy to Medicine of the Future

This contribution is a brief review of the prohibition of psychoactive substances, mainly of medicinal plants at an international level, finding that the westernization of knowledge presents one of the obstacles when applying ancestral knowledge about herbal medicines.
In addition, it looks at the intersections between the fourth industrial revolution, the use of psychedelics and mental health.

Keywords: Psychedelics, Mental Health, Human Rights

Debate on Cannabis Regulation in El Salvador. A few observations.

By Ricardo Langlois, Special Advisor of the Knowmad Institut On Thursday, April 11, two thousand nineteen, a proposal was presented for the reform of the control policy of Cannabis L., popularly known as marijuana, which seeks to reform Art. 3 literal E of the Regulatory Law on Drugs (LERARD, for its Spanish acronym), and seeks…

Launch of the #RethinkProcess

The largest International Process of Reflection and Action for Knowledge Nomads was launched in Vienna. On December 15, 2019, with an exclusive presentation in Vienna, the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Sciences – Knowmad Institut, started the international process, #RethinkProcess, which has in its first stage 10 institutions from 8 countries…

The Knowmad Institut is part of the UN Global Compact

Our vision is to contribute “to the promotion and fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), and thus to contribute to the construction of a sustainable, fair and multipolar world”. That is why the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Sciences – Knowmad Institut gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) officially participates since…

WIPO accredits Knowmad Institut with Observer Status

We are delighted to inform you that last October the Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) decided to accredit the Knowmad Institut with observer status as an international non-governmental organization. WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information, and cooperation. It is a self-financing agency of the United Nations…

The Knowmad Institut is Painted Orange Against Rape

This November 25 the Knowmad Institut is painted orange and joins the Generation Equality in the 16-day campaign promoted by UN Women. This year the campaign focuses on raising awareness about rape, which in many countries is an epidemic. “Sexual violence against women and girls is rooted in centuries of male domination. Let’s not forget…

Anthropological Reflections on Medicalization

Its possible to study pain, chronic illness and death from different angles, apart from the biomedical approach, or the perspectives and models of psychology, the palliative and terminal care view, and even more so, to the branch of medicine that scientifically studies pain and its treatment, algology.

The Prohibitionist Psychosis and its Constitutional Implications

Book Presentation: Author: Roar Mikalsen, Norway  AROD – Alliance for Right-Oriented Drug policies. [aux_button label=”Click Here To Download The Book” size=”medium” icon_align=”center” color_name=”dark-gray” border=”” style=”” icon=”download” link=”” target=”_blank”] “Tracing the Spirit of Freedom as it moves through the centuries, this book ties the prohibitionist experiment to other totalitarian endeavors. Arguing from a perspective of First…