The Prohibitionist Psychosis and its Constitutional Implications

The Prohibitionist Psychosis and its Constitutional Implications

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Book Presentation:

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Author: Roar Mikalsen, Norway 

AROD – Alliance for Right-Oriented Drug policies.
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“Tracing the Spirit of Freedom as it moves through the centuries, this book ties the prohibitionist experiment to other totalitarian endeavors. Arguing from a perspective of First principles, the author explains the psychology that connects morality and law; how the morality of the prophets and that of the founders are one and the same; and why this simple fact has been so difficult to grasp.

As in other times and places, our difficulties arise from having accepted the false authority of collectively held irrational fears; this trait of moral panic never fails, and as the parallels between the prohibition experiment and former mass-movements gone wrong are explained, it is clear that the status quo depends upon a state of unconsciousness.

Indeed, after exploring the history of drug prohibition, we find that this moral crusade can only thrive because of power-politics, coupled with the psychological defense mechanisms of projection and denial. Whenever human rights violations abound, it will always be due to the disruptive influence of these forces and their impact on our psyche—and in our day, the result is the prohibitionist psychosis.

This book describes its destructive workings on Western Civilization. Morally and legally, the experiment of drug prohibition is shown to be a crime against humanity and recognizing its impact, it is clear that society needs to readjust if we are to reclaim our inherent potential. As the founders knew, the art of constructive social engineering always begins with a “frequent recurrence to fundamental principles,” and as the light of reason returns to the West, this book elaborates on what it means to abide by a Constitution.”

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