The Research Competencies of University Professors: A Literary Review
scientific activity, teacher competencies, research, scientific researcher, academic staff, SDG 4, SDG 10, SDG 16, SDG 17Abstract
One of the primary functions of universities is knowledge generation through research; however, the fulfillment of this function is influenced by various factors, among which the research skills of university professors stand out. In this context, this study aimed to understand the current state of research on the research competencies of university professors and the gaps in this field through the analysis of available scientific literature from 2008 to 2023 on the subject. To achieve this, a systematic literature review was conducted, which included planning, selection, extraction, and analysis of relevant scientific articles. The results indicate an interest in emerging countries in characterizing research competencies among university professors. Additionally, there is a predominance of quantitative methods for their study and an emphasis on identifying specific research competencies, rather than general ones, among university faculty. Therefore, future research could focus on identifying research competencies from a comprehensive perspective and through the application of mixed methods.
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