MDMA, Automation and Rights to Preserve Biological Diversity | Knowmad Alert N°17
This Week:
Use of MDMA in the treatment of eating disorders. The uneven effects of trade and automation on local labor markets. And rights-based conservation to preserve biological diversity.
Agroecology as a response to COVID-19, LSD and Blockchain for IoT | Knowmad Alert N°16
This Week:
We explore the response from family farming and the agroecology movement to the COVID-19 crisis. A study on how lysergic acid (LSD) promotes social behavior and how the Blockchain can ensure the security of the Internet of Things.
Cannabis, Surveillance, and Security in Bitcoin Hot Wallets | Knowmad Alert N°15 |
This Week:
A study on the effects of cannabis on visual function, an article on control technologies as a response to the health crisis, and an investigation into security threats in Bitcoin hot wallets.
Autonomous Weapons Systems, Labor Exploitation and Harmful Use of the Blockchain | Knowmad Alert N°14 |
This Week:
We explore the debate on banning Autonomous Weapons Systems, learn about the situation of human trafficking and labor exploitation in Germany, and learn how Blockchain is being Instrumentalized in Pacific countries.
WIPO accredits Knowmad Institut with Observer Status
We are delighted to inform you that last October the Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) decided to accredit the Knowmad Institut with observer status as an international non-governmental organization. WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information, and cooperation. It is a self-financing agency of the United Nations…
This 10th Anniversary of the Genesis Block Support the First Non-Profit Node in the Lightning Network
A decade ago, on January 3, 2009, at 18:15:05 (GMT) the first block of the Blockchain of Bitcoin was generated. Linked to publication of his white paper, the well-known Genesis Block represents a generation’s response to the financial crisis caused by the irresponsibility of banks and regulators alike. This marks the beginning of the end…