Teaching attitude and the participation of people with physical motor disabilities in higher education in El Salvador





Inclusive education, Teacher attitude, Student participation, Inclusive higher education, Motor physical disability, Universities in El Salvador, Disability perception, Diversity and education, Theoretical model of inclusion, Barriers in higher education, SDG 4, SDG, SDG 10


The participation of people with physical motor disabilities in higher education has acquired fundamental importance, opening spaces for vulnerable groups that have been historically relegated. This study aims to analyze the attitude of 384 university teachers and its influence towards the participation of people with physical motor disabilities in the teaching-learning process of higher education in Salvadoran universities. To do this, a questionnaire was used to measure teachers' perceptions of inclusion that make up the components of the attitude concept. The results show patterns of behavior with significant negative attitudes in all of these analyzed variables that make up the sociodemographic profile. Related to this, an influence or relationship can be explained with the low participation of people with physical motor disabilities in university higher education. In this sense, the implications are assessed, the results are discussed and a theoretical model of the functioning of the influence of attitudes towards participation is proposed in a relationship between factors, questions, competencies, indicators and criteria.


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How to Cite

Echeverría, C. A. (2024). Teaching attitude and the participation of people with physical motor disabilities in higher education in El Salvador. Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Human Rights and Science, 6(6). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13384325