Apuntes Iniciales Sobre Epistemología Yulu
epistemología, dignidad, identidad, creatividad, pedagogía, ODS, ODS 4, ODS 10Abstract
Initial notes on epistemology Yulu (epistemologies from the heart), alluding to the center of the American region, is a thesis about the production of knowledge from Central America and the Caribbean. Above all, it refers to knowledge that respects and makes ancestral wisdom visible, from a Nahuat nosological triangle. The punctual distinction of this text consists of providing basic and initial principles about the generation of knowledge from the first nations - native people of Central America and the Caribbean- in a constant dialogue between disciplines. It is proposed as a method to counteract epistemicide, and as an example it shows how Castilian-centrism and simple-linear translations make ancestral knowledge invisible. It reviews the root and syntax of “Yul” in different sources and also raises the split between sciences and the absence of a heterogeneous perspective to address phenomena, such as the case of linguistics and anatomy. The article describes two main columns of Yulu epistemology: creativity and pedagogy. Both spheres articulated in a methodological precision and a heterogeneous perspective of the phenomena. The work reviews the intercultural competences of UNESCO, and is a first approximation about the being and doing of people who seek to be part of Yulu epistemology, whose main goal is to promote dignity of the native people of Central America and the Caribbean. From the rescue and visibility of their ancestral knowledge, in harmony with their identity.
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