Balancing Cybercrime Prevention and Human Rights: A Comparative Analysis of Key Documents

Balancing cybersecurity with human rights protection is essential. This post compares recommendations from the Knowmad Institut, OHCHR, and Microsoft, highlighting shared concerns about privacy, security, and international cooperation. These documents provide a foundation for policies that effectively combat cybercrime while respecting fundamental rights.

Transforming the Response to Synthetic Drugs

On May 14th, the Knowmad Institut was honored to participate in a crucial event organized by the Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative (PTACC) at the prestigious House of Lords in the UK Parliament. This international gathering brought together leaders and experts from various organizations dedicated to drug policies, including Villa Maraini and the C4 Foundation….

Emerging International Threat of Synthetic Drugs: Analysis and Perspectives

The global drug landscape has undergone significant changes in recent decades, with a notable increase in the production and use of synthetic drugs. This article analyzes the information presented in the House of Lords report on the emerging threat of synthetic drugs, highlighting the types of drugs, their effects, and public health implications. To download…

From Dialogue to Action: Advancing Humanitarian Drug Policy at the CND67

The 67th Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) side event hosted by the Rome Consensus 2.0 and its partners has been a beacon of progress in the arduous journey towards more humanitarian drug policies. This pivotal gathering illuminated the challenges and celebrated the strides made toward integrating human rights and public health into the global drug…

Exploring Our Ancestors’ Diet, Violence in Central America, Human Trafficking Prosecution, and Lizards’ Dietary Benefits

These five articles offer valuable insights into diverse fields of study. From exploring the evolutionary impact of our ancestors’ diet to understanding violence in Central America, human trafficking prosecution, and the dietary benefits of centipedes for lizards, each topic sheds light on essential aspects of our world. Visit the provided URLs to access the full articles and deepen your understanding of these fascinating subjects. Stay curious and continue learning with Knowmad Institut!

A City Without Sky | Winner KSFF 2021

Synopsis About the life of a young man living in a conflict area in Damascus city during the war. His feelings about his city and his home. He doesn’t know what will happen to him tomorrow or in a few hours. This is the fear that war gives him ” For several years, I’ve been…

Knowmad Short Film Festival

The Knowmad Short Film Festival is a creative endeavor of the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies of Human Rights & Science – Knowmad Institut aligned to share and apply the experiences of communities and individuals, solve problems and generate opportunities in a resilient and contextual way.

The goal is to transform information into knowledge. The festival seeks to promote SDGs 10, 16, and 17.

We are Knowmads (Knowledge-Nomads): creative, imaginative, innovative and collaborative people who use technology to build bridges and work with anyone who promotes human dignity, anywhere and anytime to make this world a better place.

At the Knowmad Institut we strive to give voice and actions to Human Dignity and Human Rights in public and private policies.

Stigma & Discrimination related to Substance Abuse: Deconstructing sophism’s towards Humanitarian Public Policies

Over the past few decades, international research has documented that stigma and discrimination are one of the major barriers to care in the field of drug abuse worldwide. Objective: To show the findings of the international literature about specific populations that experience stigma or discrimination as one of the main barriers to care for substance abuse as well as to account for the development of public policies against stigma in mental health and addictions in consonance with goals 3, 10 and 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Human Dignity Observatory / #PandemicWithoutHarm

The visibility of human rights violations contributes to the strengthening of democracy and the defense of the rule of law. The political and social impact as a tool we are developing for human rights defenders and researchers.