Bd. 6 Nr. 4 (2024): Interpretation of Aquatic Elements and Deities in Chalchuapa Monument 21

					Ansehen Bd. 6 Nr. 4 (2024): Interpretation of Aquatic Elements and Deities in Chalchuapa Monument 21

This paper delves into the significant interpretation of aquatic elements in the context of Monument 21 at Chalchuapa, a Mesoamerican archaeological site of great historical and cultural relevance. The central focus is on the veneration of the deities Chalchiuhtlicue, the goddess of running water, and Tlaloc, the god of rain. Through an exhaustive documentary exploration and an in-depth review of the related decorations and artifacts, this study aims to shed light on the crucial role these aquatic deities played in the worldview and religious practices of the Mesoamerican civilization. Additionally, the influence and management of water resources will be analyzed, along with the relationship between humanity and nature in an archaeological environment as unique as Chalchuapa.

Veröffentlicht: 2024-07-01