Challenges surrounding Integrated Water Resources Management in Guatemala




water, management, Guatemala, IWRM, SDG 3, SDG 10, SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 6


Water has a fundamental role in all areas of life as it is a vital resource for the life and development of any country. Environmental analysts in Guatemala state that there is enough water, but they warn there is little capacity for its management. One of the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically the one related to ensuring access to water and sanitation for all, is to “implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate” by 2030. This research approaches an overview of the legal and institutional situation in Guatemala that shows the fragmentation of the legal framework and lack or overlaps of institutional functions to guarantee integrated and sustainable water resource management. In summary, in the context of Integrated Water Resources Management, it is necessary to generate reliable information systems on the sources and uses of water, develop public investments to make water accessible, a territorial approach of hydrographic basins entails Guatemala, conflict analysis to establish the dialogues to develop an integrated legal framework and consider the role of municipalities whose responsibility is to ensure the drinking water and sanitary services of their jurisdiction.


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