Exploring Our Ancestors’ Diet, Violence in Central America, Human Trafficking Prosecution, and Lizards’ Dietary Benefits

These five articles offer valuable insights into diverse fields of study. From exploring the evolutionary impact of our ancestors’ diet to understanding violence in Central America, human trafficking prosecution, and the dietary benefits of centipedes for lizards, each topic sheds light on essential aspects of our world. Visit the provided URLs to access the full articles and deepen your understanding of these fascinating subjects. Stay curious and continue learning with Knowmad Institut!

Knowmad Review: Cannabis and 3D Data

The Knowmad Institut has selected three multidisciplinary studies for curation from the Knowmad Research Gateway that address topics of interest and relevance in the field of science and human rights. The first study explores the factors influencing consumers’ choice of cannabis products, highlighting the role of price and product quality. The second study focuses on the need for more scientific evidence on using cannabis for medicinal purposes and the genetic factors associated with treatment. The third study examines how incorporating 3D data from urban settlements can improve Europe’s population data quality and accuracy.