Global Launch Press Release

Global Launch Press Release

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Global Launch of the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Science | Knowmad Institut

Brandenburg, September 1st, 2018

Today, CEO and Co-Founder Martín Díaz announced the entry into operation of the first independent, multidisciplinary Think & Do Tank operating internationally and based in Germany.

The European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Science [Knowmad Institut] was born in response to the need for intergenerational collaboration and multidisciplinary work to build bridges between civil society, academia, governments and the private sector.

The exponential development of new technologies, geopolitical instability, precarious employment, profound cultural changes, massive migrations and their effects are the main motivations for the creation of the Knowmad Institut to study, analyse and propose innovative ways to protect the ethnosphere, intergenerational collaboration and sustainable development. In this way, the Think & Do Tank contributes to the construction of a more just, multidimensional and equitable society.

“The launch of the Knowmad Institut represents a turning point in the defence of human dignity and multidisciplinary research. Today, a door is opening where the visibility of peripheral countries and of populations systematically marginalized by the international community is a priority”, said Rev. Martin Diaz.

The vision of the Knowmad Institut is to contribute to the promotion and fulfilment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and thus to participate in the construction of a sustainable, just and multipolar world.

«We recognize that knowledge management and intergenerational collaboration are fundamental factors for a healthy transition to a multipolar 4.0. world that must include listening to all of us in society in order to be strategically aligned for the common good.

Fourth generation human rights and emerging technologies such as blockchain or artificial intelligence will be key to this transformation and will change the rules of the social pact. We are convinced that the work of the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Science will strengthen the defence of human dignity and contribute to sustainable development», he added.

The Knowmad Institut collects and analyzes reliable information in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary way that facilitates knowledge management, to educate and disseminate bold and innovative proposals that promote common solutions to global problems.

The Knowmad Institut is dedicated to:

  • Promote human dignity and essential rights.
  • Research and advise in the areas of Human Rights, Special Populations, Drug Policy, Ethnobotany and New Technologies.
  • Document and inform through knowledge management and intergenerational collaboration.
  • Preserve the knowledge about spirituality, sacramental practices, philosophy, religiosity and/or cosmovisions of human groups in different cultures, their evolution and impact on today’s societies.

Building a solid base of evidence enables the Knowmad Institut to better support decision-makers, opinion leaders and pressure groups to explore and promote innovative initiatives based on human dignity, facts and science.

The European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Science offers the following services:

  • Research
  • Consultings
  • Organization of specialized events
  • Specialized publications
  • Memberships

The founding team and the expert committees are committed to the protection of human rights and sustainable development, and therefore begin their work with two programmes:

  • Drug Policy Program
  • Objectives:
    • Ground changes in international drug policies, sustainable development, human rights, transparency and inclusiveness.
    • Shift drug policies towards evidence, effectiveness and respect for self-determination: encourage programmes and actions on the ground.
    • Promote better approaches for the categorization of “drugs”: classification of substances, recognition of ritual practices and cultural traditions, drug linguistics and the biochemical addiction paradigm.
    • Strengthen peer groups, social movements, non-governmental organizations, faith-based organizations and the private sector to increase knowledge, sustainability, effectiveness and capacity for knowledge management and collective action on drug-related issues.
  • Blockchain and Technological Sovereignty Program
  • Objectives:
    • Ground changes in international governance policies on emerging technologies to be consistent with sustainable development, human rights, transparency and inclusiveness.
    • Shift the policies of governance from emerging technologies to evidence, effectiveness, respect for self-determination and human dignity: to promote programmes and actions on the ground.
    • Promote better approaches for the preservation of human dignity: identify and classify the threats of negligent development of Artificial Intelligence and other technologies, the recognition of practices, philosophical and linguistic trends resulting from emerging technologies and the paradigms of singularity & transhumanism.
    • Strengthen peer groups, social movements, non-governmental organizations, faith-based organizations and the private sector to increase inclusiveness, sustainability, effectiveness in knowledge management and collective action capacity on issues related to blockchain adoption and human rights.

As part of its launch, the Knowmad Institut is launching a fundraising campaign in cryptom currencies (BTC, LTC, ZEC, DASH, ETH).



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Interview requests:

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“Advancing human dignity and sustainable development through the integration of science, technology, and society.”