Technological Sovereignty & Human Dignity

Technological Sovereignty

We are aware that the self-determination and freedoms of the peoples of the world will be increasingly linked to technological sovereignty and the preservation of the ethnosphere.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution challenges us to address in a multidisciplinary manner the development of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Robotization and other disruptive technologies to be compatible with Human Dignity and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We promote the democratization and decentralization of technologies, open source software, open data, web neutrality and the adoption of new technologies for the progress and preservation of humanity’s tangible and intangible resources.


We respond to the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to create pragmatic proposals on the adoption and implementation of the Blockchain in order to preserve human dignity and promote sustainable development.

We work at the highest level to promote the adoption of Blockchain for the preservation of Human Dignity. In order to adopt this and other emerging technologies, it is necessary to promote a more structured multidisciplinary process of intergenerational cooperation and knowledge management. We build bridges between academia, regulators, civil society and the private sector for the adoption of the Blockchain for the achievement of sustainable development goals and the preservation of the ethnosphere.

Through our work, we established a broad network of contacts that includes activists, academics, physicians, entrepreneurs, emerging industry leaders, human rights defenders, opinion leaders, public servants, technicians and politicians.

About the Program

The main objective is to share as much information as possible through different channels, especially with decision-makers, to point out that there are precise alternatives to the growing challenges and threats of emerging technologies. Therefore, we will be promoting global solutions to common problems.

We have already worked with special populations, academics, public servants, held meetings with biopsychosocial agents, attended conferences, workshops, symposia and forums at local, regional and international levels.

We promote the adoption of Blockchain technology through pragmatic proposals that are compatible with Human Dignity and the fulfilment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030). We promote the promulgation and strengthening of harm reduction and risk management strategies in the face of the threats of the rapid advance of Artificial Intelligence.

The Knowmad Institut builds bridges for the collaboration of a global network of experts. We seek and research alternatives for the implementation of evidence-based ethical policies and development models to approach the political, economic and social issues related to the adoption of blockchain and the protection of human dignity.

We advocate transparent and measurable policies framed by essential rights, human dignity, social, cultural and health aspects. We promote the exercise of community empowerment.

Our Think & Do Tank promotes the collective construction and culture of open data, so that the data we generate and analyze is open and offers a solid evidence base. This allows us to provide integral support to developers and specialists in disruptive technologies in the exploration and management of initiatives based on ethics and essential rights, for the construction of new capacities and the defence of the community.

We assist in the management and dissemination of programmes to peer groups, community-based and social movements, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to achieve wider participation in policy processes at all levels, including the multilateral level, through social engineering and transversal actions that bring together populations affected by the access gap to new technologies, researchers, regulators, the socio-health sector, intergovernmental agencies, law enforcement agencies, policy makers and all stakeholders.


  1. Ground changes in international governance policies on emerging technologies to be consistent with sustainable development, human rights, transparency and inclusiveness.
  2. Shift the policies of governance from emerging technologies to evidence, effectiveness, respect for self-determination and human dignity: to promote programmes and actions on the ground.
  3. Promote better approaches for the preservation of human dignity: identify and classify the threats of negligent development of Artificial Intelligence and other technologies, the recognition of practices, philosophical and linguistic trends resulting from emerging technologies and the paradigms of singularity & transhumanism.
  4. Strengthen peer groups, social movements, non-governmental organizations, faith-based organizations and the private sector to increase inclusiveness, sustainability, effectiveness in knowledge management and collective action capacity on issues related to blockchain adoption and human rights.


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