The Prohibitionist Psychosis and its Constitutional Implications

Book Presentation: Author: Roar Mikalsen, Norway  AROD – Alliance for Right-Oriented Drug policies. [aux_button label=”Click Here To Download The Book” size=”medium” icon_align=”center” color_name=”dark-gray” border=”” style=”” icon=”download” link=”” target=”_blank”] “Tracing the Spirit of Freedom as it moves through the centuries, this book ties the prohibitionist experiment to other totalitarian endeavors. Arguing from a perspective of First…

Know the Novel Foods

I. What are Novel Foods?1 The term Novel Foods was born in Europe and their regulation was established for the first time in the Regulation 258/97 of the European Parliament and the European Council on January 27th 1997. This regulation defines Novel Foods as those foods and ingredients which have not been commercialized at a…