Knowmad Short Film Festival

The Knowmad Short Film Festival is a creative endeavor of the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies of Human Rights & Science – Knowmad Institut aligned to share and apply the experiences of communities and individuals, solve problems and generate opportunities in a resilient and contextual way.

The goal is to transform information into knowledge. The festival seeks to promote SDGs 10, 16, and 17.

We are Knowmads (Knowledge-Nomads): creative, imaginative, innovative and collaborative people who use technology to build bridges and work with anyone who promotes human dignity, anywhere and anytime to make this world a better place.

At the Knowmad Institut we strive to give voice and actions to Human Dignity and Human Rights in public and private policies.

Stigma & Discrimination related to Substance Abuse: Deconstructing sophism’s towards Humanitarian Public Policies

Over the past few decades, international research has documented that stigma and discrimination are one of the major barriers to care in the field of drug abuse worldwide. Objective: To show the findings of the international literature about specific populations that experience stigma or discrimination as one of the main barriers to care for substance abuse as well as to account for the development of public policies against stigma in mental health and addictions in consonance with goals 3, 10 and 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In the name of the “Drug War”

Building on the continuing broad support for the drug war, Duterte announced last year with his Philippine Anti-Illegal Drugs Strategy (PADS) “drug-free communities by 2022” .
In this article, I present some of the effects of this anti-drug campaign based on perspectives on the affected communities, on justifications and impacts of the killings and on functions of the most prominent drug allegedly to be extinguished.

The Prohibitionist Psychosis and its Constitutional Implications

Book Presentation: Author: Roar Mikalsen, Norway  AROD – Alliance for Right-Oriented Drug policies. [aux_button label=”Click Here To Download The Book” size=”medium” icon_align=”center” color_name=”dark-gray” border=”” style=”” icon=”download” link=”” target=”_blank”] “Tracing the Spirit of Freedom as it moves through the centuries, this book ties the prohibitionist experiment to other totalitarian endeavors. Arguing from a perspective of First…

Sacred Plants and Mental Health in Latin America

Sacred plants have a number of phenomena that revolve around their ritual and medicinal use, as
well as being seen as carrying a bond with the sphere of the sacred. México is the country that has
the greatest diversity of sacred plants in the Americas because its indigenous groups have a
magical-religious relationship with them.
In the beginning of the study of sacred plants, psilocybin, mescaline and ergotamine began to be
classified as classical psychedelics, this categorization was of great help to psychiatry and
neuroscience in the 1950s and 1960s.