The Rethink Forums
General Objetives
To achieve a nomadic approach to knowledge with a leadership profile in the private sector, academia and civil society of different ideologies and citizen participation in the construction of sustainable development in the fourth industrial revolution.
Specific Objetives
+ Propitiate a constructive dialogue through debate and other instruments that contribute to the process of intergenerational learning among peers.
+ Collect multidisciplinary and intersectoral input from experts with support from the Rethink Alliance at the international level.
+ Create attractive spaces that contribute to the construction of new forms of interaction and participation among new political, social, academic and business leaders.
+ Motivate participation in politics and the public by providing tools and promoting spaces to obtain information about the fourth revolution and its implications for privacy and human dignity.
+ Strengthen participants in their capacities and practice network cooperation in line with objective 17 of the SDGs.
The topics will be guided by the following guidelines:
A | Human Dignity & Fourth Industrial Revolution
B | Regulation Models, Standards & Fair Trade
C | Public Health & Medicines of the Future
D | Culture of Peace & Mental Health
E | Ethnosphere & Ethnobotany
The forums will be guided by the previously mentioned axes, the Knowmad Institut will provide digital material to motivate the debate in these forums.
The sessions could take place under the following structure:
Prior to the start of the session attendees will be registered as program participants.
20 minutes
There will be a general presentation of the process towards the Knowmad Consensus.
5 minutes
A debate will take place under the theme of each session.
1 hour
Space for recess and meeting between participants. During this space part of the staff will make a summary of the positions during the debate.
15 minutes
The summary made by the staff will be presented as a synthesis to focus on common and consensual positions in order to agree on a common agenda.
45 minutes
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CC BY-NC 4.0 // 2024 | Knowmad Institut gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Grimnitzer Str. 11 – 16247 Joachimsthal | Register Nr. HRB 14178 FF (Frankfurt Oder district court)