Theory Of Change

Our pillars

Discover the Pillars of the Knowmad Institute: Forging a Sustainable and Just Future

At the heart of innovation and social commitment, the Pillars of Knowmad stand out as crucial foundations for building a more just and sustainable future. We are at a pivotal moment where every action and decision can make a difference. We invite our global community to join this transformative movement, where we can forge a tomorrow filled with hope and dignity together.

  • Government and Politics for Change: We encourage active and conscious citizen participation in governance, promoting inclusive policies that reflect our society’s real and diverse needs.
  • Uniting Civil Society and Academia: We create synergies between civil society and academic institutions, enhancing education and research as engines for social action and transformation.
  • Innovation in Industry and Economy: We drive innovation and private policies that respect human dignity in the industry and markets towards economic models that prioritize sustainability and equity.
  • Preservation of Cultural Diversity: We defend human dignity and the rich diversity of the global ethnosphere, protecting fundamental rights and celebrating our cultural differences as a source of strength and enrichment.
  • Sustainable Development for the Future: We strive for development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations, ensuring a legacy of prosperity and care for the planet.
  • Human Rights as a Central Pillar: We stand firmly defending universal human rights, seeking to promote justice and equality to create a world where everyone has the same opportunities and rights.
  • Reforms in Drug Policies: We advocate for a compassionate and evidence-based approach to drug policies, placing health and human dignity above punitive approaches toward fairer and more effective solutions.
  • Focus on Special Populations: We dedicate ourselves to addressing the needs of the most vulnerable populations, ensuring that our policies and actions are inclusive and that no one is left behind.
  • Ethnobotany: We explore the relationship of plants and fungi in our current societies. We value the knowledge of indigenous peoples about plants, fungi, and their uses, exploring how these traditions can guide them toward innovative and sustainable solutions for contemporary challenges.
  • New Technologies for the Common Good: We research and explore the potential of emerging technologies to address social challenges, always with an ethical and responsible approach, ensuring that technology serves the common good.


Your Voice Matters: We invite you to share your ideas, experiences, or projects that resonate with these fundamental pillars to promote open science and human dignity. Whether through a monthly subscription or a one-time donation, your support is vital to our mission. Together, we can achieve a lasting and significant impact. Join the conversation and be an agent of change in building this promising future. 

Join us in this transformative mission!

Donate & Make Global Impact

With your donation you help to protect human dignity and support our team in carrying out actions around sustainable development, human rights, special populations, drug policy, ethnobotany and new technologies. 

We bring your voice to significant instances, prepare strategic meetings, documents with reliable information and public initiatives in order to promote the objectives of each program.

Knowmad Institut gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) is a public interest and non-profit organization for the promotion of science and research. It is registered in Germany under the trade register number HRB 17148 FF in Frankfurt Oder.


Bank Account:

Knowmad Institut gUG
IBAN: DE53 1705 2000 0940 0577 43
Bank: Sparkasse Barnim