Balancing Cybercrime Prevention and Human Rights: A Comparative Analysis of Key Documents

Balancing cybersecurity with human rights protection is essential. This post compares recommendations from the Knowmad Institut, OHCHR, and Microsoft, highlighting shared concerns about privacy, security, and international cooperation. These documents provide a foundation for policies that effectively combat cybercrime while respecting fundamental rights.

Exploring Our Ancestors’ Diet, Violence in Central America, Human Trafficking Prosecution, and Lizards’ Dietary Benefits

These five articles offer valuable insights into diverse fields of study. From exploring the evolutionary impact of our ancestors’ diet to understanding violence in Central America, human trafficking prosecution, and the dietary benefits of centipedes for lizards, each topic sheds light on essential aspects of our world. Visit the provided URLs to access the full articles and deepen your understanding of these fascinating subjects. Stay curious and continue learning with Knowmad Institut!

A City Without Sky | Winner KSFF 2021

Synopsis About the life of a young man living in a conflict area in Damascus city during the war. His feelings about his city and his home. He doesn’t know what will happen to him tomorrow or in a few hours. This is the fear that war gives him ” For several years, I’ve been…

Knowmad Short Film Festival

The Knowmad Short Film Festival is a creative endeavor of the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies of Human Rights & Science – Knowmad Institut aligned to share and apply the experiences of communities and individuals, solve problems and generate opportunities in a resilient and contextual way.

The goal is to transform information into knowledge. The festival seeks to promote SDGs 10, 16, and 17.

We are Knowmads (Knowledge-Nomads): creative, imaginative, innovative and collaborative people who use technology to build bridges and work with anyone who promotes human dignity, anywhere and anytime to make this world a better place.

At the Knowmad Institut we strive to give voice and actions to Human Dignity and Human Rights in public and private policies.

Education Under Occupation: Obligations of the Occupying Power

This article is part of the series Education under Occupation, which explores the legal responsibilities of Israel with respect to the Palestinian population living under the military occupation. In the first part, we considered the framework of International Humanitarian Law, including a short tour through its history and applicable normative bodies. In the present article we will explore the obligations of the occupying power with specific attention to children’s access to education, and we will present data and statistics reflecting daily restrictions to the realization of the right to education. This study pertains to the situation in Israel and Palestine, specifically to the military occupation of Palestine by Israeli forces.

Education Under Occupation: Legal Framework – International Humanitarian Law

This article is part of the series Education under Occupation, which explores the legal responsibilities of Israel with respect to the Palestinian population living under the military occupation. This article describes the framework of International Humanitarian Law, including a short tour through its history and applicable normative bodies. This study pertains to the situation in Israel and Palestine, specifically to the military occupation of Palestine by Israeli forces.

Launch of the #RethinkProcess

The largest International Process of Reflection and Action for Knowledge Nomads was launched in Vienna. On December 15, 2019, with an exclusive presentation in Vienna, the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Sciences – Knowmad Institut, started the international process, #RethinkProcess, which has in its first stage 10 institutions from 8 countries…

The Knowmad Institut is part of the UN Global Compact

Our vision is to contribute “to the promotion and fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), and thus to contribute to the construction of a sustainable, fair and multipolar world”. That is why the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Sciences – Knowmad Institut gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt) officially participates since…

WIPO accredits Knowmad Institut with Observer Status

We are delighted to inform you that last October the Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) decided to accredit the Knowmad Institut with observer status as an international non-governmental organization. WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information, and cooperation. It is a self-financing agency of the United Nations…