Getting Factual: Pros and Cons of Cannabis Consumption

Getting Factual: Pros and Cons of Cannabis Consumption

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By Laurice Wardini, Author of Loud Cloud Health

The general population appears to be changing the attitude toward consuming cannabis. Over the last century or so, there was the constant prejudice that its main use was to get “high.” The main propeller for this change was decades of experiments and high-end research, which eventually led to the legalization of medicinal and recreational cannabis.

Whether you’re using cannabis frequently or have never tried it, you are probably informed about its effects on our wellness, since the media seems to constantly buzz about it.

It is perfectly normal to be skeptical when it comes to this topic. However, it is crucial to be well-informed before forming an opinion or deciding whether to test it for recreational or medicinal purposes.

That said, let’s jump right into the science of cannabis and its components known as cannabinoids.

Cannabis Through History

Since the oldest days, cannabis has been used differently and in abundance — mostly as hemp for manufacturing ropes, textiles, etc. However, it came to prominence throughout the last couple hundred years, with its legality status changing several times in the US only, with the first official restriction being imposed back in 1937.

Today, the US and some other countries are removing restrictions steadily. As a result, stats show that cannabis legalization appears to be creating unseen revenue. Some $12 billion were projected for 2019, with 2017 generating around $10 billion.

Uruguay was the first country to fully legalize cannabis use in 2013, while Canada was the second state to do the same five years later. That year, surveys reported that roughly two-thirds of the US legal-age population supported cannabis legalization, as opposed to only 12% of the population which supported legalization in 1969.

So What Has Changed?

This is not a tough question. We need to thank the vast amount of hours put into research, as the exact effects of cannabis became much clearer. Science discovered several facts, including the following:

  • Cannabis consumption is vastly safer than alcoholic beverages and cigarettes in terms of one’s wellness and behavior while being under the influence.
  • The global legalization of recreational and medicinal cannabis bears entirely new branches of economy, medicine, and research, creating new job opportunities and allowing countries to collect vast tax revenue.
  • Legalization ultimately brings the war on drugs to a definite end.

As you can see, legalization brings many advantages, but it also has several disadvantages. Let’s check out both.


Helps Battling Addictions

Using eight major cannabinoids (substances within the cannabis strains), researchers treated people with the proclivity towards prescription drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and heavy opioid addictions. The experiment resulted in up to 66% success rate, especially with prescription drug addiction.

This is not surprising because most cannabinoids do a great deal in treating anxiety, symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, back pain, cancer pain, chemo side-effects, etc.

The United States National Institute of Health ran a study with 91 participants who were heavy opioid users, treating them with cannabis. Eventually, a large majority of them switched to cannabis.

It Blasts the Production of Osteoblasts

Essentially, osteoblasts are bone-producing cells which do the most work when it comes to healing broken or damaged bones. The CBD (cannabidiol) treatment does a great deal in helping the production of these cells, helping the bone re-grow roughly 40% faster and leaving it about 50% stronger than before.

Reduces Symptoms of Vicious Motoric Autoimmune Diseases Such As MS

Multiple sclerosis is a somewhat frequent disease in today’s society, with some 2.3 million patients in the US only. A large number of them treat the side effects of this illness with CBD oils containing only 0.3% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is a substance used for pain and anxiety relief.

Lowers Chances of Getting Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Major cannabinoids help saving Beta cells (insulin-producing cells), battling even the highest Diabetes type 1 risks. Within the cannabis-consuming community, Diabetes type 2 is close to non-existent.

Helps With Different Mental Conditions

Getting diagnosed with a mental disorder oftentimes is followed by harsh prescription drug treatment, with major negative side effects on our body. For instance, HN (hippocampus neurogenesis) is a process of stimulation of both neuron creation and revitalization. This process is proven to be stimulated by the use of cannabinoids.

Also, approximately 90% of patients fighting depression and ADHD who were treated with CBD showed reduced symptoms of these issues, such as anxiety, insomnia, hyperactivity, loss of appetite, etc.

Helps With Overall Cancer Treatment

Even though the controversies surrounding this topic never cease, one thing is evident. The cannabinoid compounds, especially infused within CBD oil, tend to equip one’s body for harsh chemo side-effects, like pain, vomiting, weight loss, body weakness, etc.


Using Cannabis Could Lead to Misuse And Addiction

Roughly 30% of people consuming cannabis have a type of use disorder, with often withdrawals such as shakiness, insomnia, depression, sweating, and visceral pain.

It Could Boost Cognitive Decline

This is a long-term and continuous side-effect, bringing eventual issues with learning and motoric skills in adults.

It Could Cause Lung And Oral Hygiene Issues

Even though there are clean ways of consuming cannabis, the vast amount of consumers smokes it. As a form of consumption, smoking causes cavities, mouth cancer, gingivitis, and neck cancer.

The toxic compounds inhaled through smoking, such as ammonia, hydrogen-cyanide, benzopyrene, and many others cause bronchial irritation, lung bleeding, and cancer.

It Has Bad Effects on Cardiovascular System

People with a history of heart issues are not encouraged toward cannabis use, as it can dilate their blood vessels, causing a possible cardiac arrest.

Its Use Was Connected With Paranoid Behavior And Schizophrenia Triggering

Oxford University published research which shows that 50% of those who took cannabis reported paranoid thoughts, as opposed to the 30% who were given a placebo substitute.

Bottom Line

The advantages of consuming this benevolent plant are numerous, whether medicinal or recreational type. It helps fighting anxiety, depression, chronic pain, insomnia, etc. However, it is important to thoroughly inform yourself before deciding to start consuming cannabis, as there are negative side effects as well. Make sure to do your research and consult with your doctor.

What is your opinion on cannabis consumption? Let us know in the comments below.



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